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Postby Nickligature on Tue Jan 08, 2008 1:17 pm

Has anyone else seen this? Freaked me out ever so slightly.

I try to remain fairly sceptical about these conspiracy theories, but then you look at the EU and the north american union, the african union, ID cards, northern rock, the WMD lie to send us to war.

Theres loads to at least think about. ARE THEY OUT TO GET ME?

What does the uk thrash community think on the subject?

and no i'm not blazing! :eyes:
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Postby caspio on Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:19 pm

You should be :P
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Postby TORSO on Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:41 pm

It is intresting, but as you said remain sceptical about things being sceptical....people usually dismiss things like this as just being stupid and others get so worked up that it is a conspiracy, both are just as bad.
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Postby Dian Wei on Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:42 pm

Gee.... I don't know about the rest of you guys, but lately the only things that truly motivate me are erections and bowel movements.

Thank the Police coming straight from the underground...
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Postby swizzlenuts on Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:25 pm

TORSO wrote:It is intresting, but as you said remain sceptical about things being sceptical....people usually dismiss things like this as just being stupid and others get so worked up that it is a conspiracy, both are just as bad.

These claims are so huge, and usually are riddled with logical fallacies. Also, huge claims requires huge evidence. It is not the same for both sides if you've looked into a few of these before (9/11 for example, at the time I
really wanted it to be true, but was proved otherwise).
If it's the same video I saw:

The 9/11 conspiracy theory has been proven wrong over and over again.
The not paying tax thing is completely stupid.
Some facts in the Jesus one, but it's spun waaay too much.

*Waits for Thrash Metal Faggot to get in here and say it's all true*
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Postby TORSO on Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:00 pm

I understand, after watching the film more evidence for the claims are needed (espcially regarding 911 and the seventh tower), and no counter argument was presented and commented on.

The jesus stuff was intresting but the relation to the zodiac needed more evidence, reminded me of the "The hero with a thousand faces" by Joesph campell and his theories on monomyths

The stuff with the federal reserve and the banking i felt raised some intresting points but was trying for scaremongering

the 9/11 i believe was a terrorist act but there are inconsitances and things to dwell on in regards to events prior and after the events i admit i haven't done that much research into it so i can't say whats right or wrong.

I was just saying im not completly 100% dismissing the ideas or believing in them and that choosing one side without thinking of the other is the wrong thing to do.
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Postby BEER CAN on Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:30 pm

i think its definitely something to think about...

like this!!


shocker!!conspiracy? :shock:
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Postby Nickligature on Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:51 pm

Yeah it's a strange one. Thing is I don't disbelieve a lot of it because I reckon it's in these people to do these things. Especially the war on terror, I genuinely think that was started for the wrong reasons.

Wars make a lot of money for certain people.

I think Donny should just go and sort this all out quite frankly, it's too difficult for me :)

But what if (however far fetched it may seem) there are a few people out there who conspire to rule the world by doing such things?

How would we (the general public) react to this?


or will we just take it I wonder.
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Postby James on Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:59 pm

I didn't bother watching the whole thing, but I think there is certainly some mileage in the idea that a lot of the baggage surrounding the life of Jesus (and whether he existed at all) has quite firm roots in many earlier religions.

Some of the links with astrology seemed a bit desperate and conjectural, but otherwise it seems reasonable to accept that a lot of the 'facts' we find in the Bible have many pre-Christian influences.
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Postby BEER CAN on Wed Jan 09, 2008 12:28 am

haha ok im ready to make at least a decent contribution to this cos i like it.

it doesnt seem to be too far fetched to believe that there can be a group, or a few groups of people who we have no knowledge of whatsoever conspiring to keep under control western ideologies etc.. after all the government do that anyway, so its completely possible, however, i believe that control as now actually shifty to the people, and actually we are in a spiral that we are unable to break,

I think that the seed has been planted and now the general philosophy of permanent war is in ingrained in a philosophy that we permanently follow,

We change our mentalities to gain better wages, i"f you want more money you gotta change how you think son", change our living experiences to climb the 'Social ladder' to put it, in fact we are completely in control and at the same time completely out of control...

thats what i think, kind of, i would probably be able to explain it better if i wasnt a spastic.
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Postby The Fourth Norseman on Wed Jan 09, 2008 12:43 am

BEER CAN wrote:thats what i think, kind of, i would probably be able to explain it better if i wasnt a spastic.
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Postby swizzlenuts on Wed Jan 09, 2008 1:10 am

TORSO wrote:I understand, after watching the film more evidence for the claims are needed (espcially regarding 911 and the seventh tower), and no counter argument was presented and commented on.

The jesus stuff was intresting but the relation to the zodiac needed more evidence, reminded me of the "The hero with a thousand faces" by Joesph campell and his theories on monomyths

The stuff with the federal reserve and the banking i felt raised some intresting points but was trying for scaremongering

the 9/11 i believe was a terrorist act but there are inconsitances and things to dwell on in regards to events prior and after the events i admit i haven't done that much research into it so i can't say whats right or wrong.

I was just saying im not completly 100% dismissing the ideas or believing in them and that choosing one side without thinking of the other is the wrong thing to do.

http://www.popularmechanics.com/technol ... 27842.html

anything about 911 is explained here.
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Postby TORSO on Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:33 am

Just read through that article and its intresting to see the argument against the conspiracy theories, thanks for the link

Been reading through this site as it seems un-biased from what i've read so far

Im not kicking up a fuss at all or wanting an argument, just trying to keep an open mind
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Postby swizzlenuts on Wed Jan 09, 2008 12:21 pm

Yeah, I can understand you want to have an open mind, but you also have ro remember it can't be so open that your mind falls outs.

When the evidence is this strong against it, it's hard to even think it did happen.

Of course if they can produce evidence, then that'd be a different matter. To me, they have an idea, look for anomalies, and then present it in a manner that doesn't give you all the facts.
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