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The More I see, Ventflow, Shrapnel & XXXX - Unicorn 4th June

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Moderators: James, Craig, Resilience Records

Re: The More I see, Ventflow, Shrapnel & XXXX - Unicorn 4th

Postby Stevedot2 on Sun Jun 06, 2010 8:58 pm

Yeah good night it was. I was wasted by 10 and I only had like 4 beers, fuck I'm a shit drinker when I don't eat! But yeah wicked to see Shrappers again, such a great band! I kept messing up cause Zurab was making me laugh and putting me off by putting his arm round me!! hahahaha, such funny times! Thanks to all the guys fucking shit up while we played! And yeah cheers Donny boy!
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