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UK smoking ban

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Postby Atom on Fri Jun 29, 2007 9:01 pm

That video was awesome!
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Postby thrashduck on Fri Jun 29, 2007 9:18 pm

What a shame kramer went all racist... He was a legend..

Yeh the ban is pretty, although a lot of place I've noticed have gradually phased it out anyway, so it won't seem such a shock. I can wear shirts that I wore one night the next day now... Wahey!

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Postby Immortalicide on Fri Jun 29, 2007 9:33 pm

The ban should have happened years ago, then maybe i could still watch Roy Castle do new and ever more exciting series of record breakers like i did when i was a kid, instead, he is no longer with us and it is only through the words of people such as myself that the legend of his greatness is passed on to the younger generations that were robbed of his immense presenting, dancing and trumpeting skills :cry:
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Postby Thug on Fri Jun 29, 2007 11:16 pm

Its great I can go to gigs and not smell like a cancer boy at the end
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Postby terrorizer on Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:51 am



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Postby terrorizer on Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:01 am


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Postby oxfordrocks on Sat Jun 30, 2007 10:32 am

I'm a smoker, but I can understand the need for legislation.
I think we're all used to not smoking in restaurants, work places etc, so hopefully it won't be too hard.

Where I work we have dedicated smoking rooms and I don't see why we can't keep these (with proper ventilation I don't see a problem).

The law also covers smoking in the driving cabs of the trains I drive, but I can't see a driver who is sitting in the cab for 2-3 hours not having a sly smoke.

The worst part will be going to a gig and not being able to leave for a fag.
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Postby terrorizer on Sat Jun 30, 2007 1:17 pm

oxfordrocks wrote:I'm a smoker, but I can understand the need for legislation.
I think we're all used to not smoking in restaurants, work places etc, so hopefully it won't be too hard.

Where I work we have dedicated smoking rooms and I don't see why we can't keep these (with proper ventilation I don't see a problem).

The law also covers smoking in the driving cabs of the trains I drive, but I can't see a driver who is sitting in the cab for 2-3 hours not having a sly smoke.

The worst part will be going to a gig and not being able to leave for a fag.

They introduced a non-smoking policy at the hospital where I work last year, a lot of people now smoke behind the bins, or on the pavement next to the trust property.

I heard that a member of the public was challenged by a Dr for smoking outside A&E, to which the man replied that he'd just lost his mother a few minutes ago. He left him alone.

We used to have a smoking room years ago and I can't see why we can't have one now, as long as no-one is forced to go in who doesn't want to.

On and I'm a non smoker BTW. Death to anti-fag facists!

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Postby jonny_boy34 on Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:20 pm

terrorizer wrote:I'm a non smoker BTW. Death to anti-fag facists!

Here here!
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Postby Herzeleid on Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:10 pm

A question for the infinite long-haired, hi-topped wisdom of this place. I'm going out tonight, now will the ban be in effect when it gets to midnight, or do I have all night to puff myself silly, even though I don't really smoke that much, to savour it? I might be a rebel if it is at 12 and smoke until like 12:02, bwahahaha.


Stevedot2 wrote:Stop complaining you black cunt.

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Postby thrash metal maniac on Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:12 pm

I expect the ban won't actually come in until tomorrow proper, but some places may have already started the ban, to make it easier for them :P
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Postby Kilgore~Let 'Em Burn on Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:22 pm

Ban starts tommorrow at 6am apparently.
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Postby ribbons69 on Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:34 pm

Speaking as someone who watched his mother (a lifetime smoker) die slowly in agony from cancer I'm all for the ban.I can't prove that had there been a ban twenty years ago that she would have decided to give up and maybe lived longer,but I'd like to think so.
And I'm looking forward to all my clothes not smelling of death after a night out as well.

Actually I better apologise for having a serious post on topic.Doesn't anyone have anything to say about cheese at this point?
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Postby terrorizer on Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:40 pm

ribbons69 wrote:And I'm looking forward to all my clothes not smelling of death after a night out as well.

Mine still will, but then again I am a necrophiliac.

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Postby TORSO on Sat Jun 30, 2007 10:08 pm

We have had a big push at work for the smoking ban in the last few weeks.
i dont smoke, though i am all for it....should be easier to breath at gigs now but i can see that alot of people will get pissed off due to not being let back in lol

So as of tomorrow ETERNAL smoking BAN
(Sorry watching Destruction DVD)
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