="Bestial Bill
And Samael get a hard time because THEY'VE BEEN FUCKING RUBBISH SINCE THE THIRD ALBUM. One of the greatest disasters in the history of heavy metal - three absolute killers followed up by tons of total tripe.
This post kind-of answers the question I suppose...
SAMAEL are the ONLY band to try the futuristic thing and pull it off. Not like all that over chugged Fear Factory type shit. They are innovative and take risks and people over hear just hate them for that reason alone. If you actually LISTEN to their newer stuff more than one quick begrudging time it has layers of depth and originality few bands can even dream of. The most original modern band, I think... No... I know. You don't get no quick thrills with SAMAEL; they require a little patience. No offence meant, but someone has to say it. Vorph's lyrics are the best.
INFRA GALAXIA live... truly awesome.