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Chimaira - Resurrection

General music discussion

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Postby Hostile on Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:24 pm

Hey, it's not like I dislike the band, they're great. I just have problems with Mark Hunter. He had dreads when I last saw him. He now looks and sings like a hoarse Jamey Jasta.

"Emo lyrics", to my mind, are anything where the singer bitches about relationships. So... pretty much 50% of Impossibility. Seriously, their best song might actually be Implements of Destruction.
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Postby boovidge on Sun Feb 25, 2007 2:27 pm

Hostile wrote:"Emo lyrics", to my mind, are anything where the singer bitches about relationships.

no way man that's ridiculous! I'm fed up with everything to do with depression or emotion being classed as "emo". :wall:

emo is shitty pop punk music for kids loaded on oestrogen.

would you call songs such as "in my darkest hour" emo?
Metal Iain wrote:This board has nothing to do with the 'scene'. It's more just about 10 or so pricks who used to like Thrash that, for one reason or another, waste a lot of time posting on here.

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Postby Hostile on Sun Feb 25, 2007 3:27 pm

Hey, there's nothing wrong with emotion in music. It's just that when the only emotion you can muster is "my girlfriend left me, I want to die", I pretty much consider you a worthless emo. "In My Darkest Hour" obviously isn't emo in any way, but plenty of Chimaira songs (that I've heard) have the same boring failed-relationships themes running through them.
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Postby Metal Iain on Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:43 pm

Aye, I cannae stand fannies that sing about their birds pumping their dads but I do like emotion in music.
Metal Iain
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