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Dad, I want to learn the guitar

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Re: Dad, I want to learn the guitar

Postby thrash metal maniac on Mon Jul 20, 2009 9:52 am

zykloned wrote:Something for the future, which a lot of guitar players don't seem to understand..

A bad guitar played through a good amp will sound better than a good guitar through a bad amp.

hmmm, surely in that situation it comes down to how well the guitar is being played?

I'd rather have good guitar and bad amp any day
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Re: Dad, I want to learn the guitar

Postby Magnificent S Pendergast on Mon Jul 20, 2009 7:42 pm

My first guitar was notable as it had a clear entire-body scratchplate so you could put different pictures under it like custom paint jobs! It came with one with skulls on it. Both amp and guitar were fairly cheap and nasty, but it didn't stop me thinking I could play Dio's Lock Up the Wolves the first day I had them - I couldn't. I agree with the good amp first scenario (or at least poo amp and good effects pedal) as I find even now I play shit when given a crappy sound.
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Re: Dad, I want to learn the guitar

Postby Bangover on Tue Jul 21, 2009 2:48 pm

Just to add - I found when I was a youngun and learning, being taught mary had a little lamb etc... was boring and not enough to keep my attention. It's far more inspiring when you can play along to a 'real' song, Ramones songs are a good one for a beginner to learn. So yeah, if you can find songs that are simplistic enough and that your son likes it's a great way to keep his attention focussed on playing before the boredom sets in.
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Re: Dad, I want to learn the guitar

Postby terrorizer on Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:13 pm

Blitzkreig Bop it is then!

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Re: Dad, I want to learn the guitar

Postby Gareth Hares on Sun Jul 26, 2009 12:15 pm

One more thing deffo worth considering about left handed guitars - Im a lefty - but play right handed.
If you ever go round to your mates house n he has a guitar - 99/100 times its RH and so you can play it too....
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Re: Dad, I want to learn the guitar

Postby crossofiron on Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:54 pm

Guitars outsell basses ten to one, there is a big shortage of bassists.

Your son would have a better chance of being busy in bands if he played bass imo.
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Re: Dad, I want to learn the guitar

Postby yituool on Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:38 pm

Wouldn't playing on a right handed guitar when you're left handed be harder, and therefore make him more likely to give up early?
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Re: Dad, I want to learn the guitar

Postby zykloned on Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:02 pm

He won't know the difference if he aint played a left handed guitar.....
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Re: Dad, I want to learn the guitar

Postby Grindgodgrind on Thu Feb 04, 2010 3:11 pm

If you want a decent quality instrument to learn on, look no further than a Yamaha Pacifica. They're truly excellent quality for what they are.
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Re: Dad, I want to learn the guitar

Postby MartinC on Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:07 pm

If you spend any less than £2000, you're a terrible Father.
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