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Artists / designers needed for new Anihilated CD

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Artists / designers needed for new Anihilated CD

Postby anihilated on Sat Feb 23, 2013 7:09 pm

Hi all,

Here at Anihilated HQ have just finished recording and mixing our new album " I, Deviant"
It is sounding great to our ears and has already been described as a potential candidate for Thrash album of 2013!
Well on to business, we are looking for artists to contribute to the booklet cover, design, and artwork for merchandise (T-shirts etc) If anyone fancies some exposure, (good for your portfolio if nothing else!!) then contact us at elmstudios@sky.com email over a couple of examples of your work and we will get back in touch. We haven't got any cash to pay out but I am sure some freebies and exposure to other bands, labels and the rest of the worldwide metal market will make it worth ya while. ( we could give you the we are poor with 5 children to feed line but that would just be embarrassing..especially since I have 8....)
Thx for reading

Much love and stuff
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