I've given the Myspace page a bit of an update; I'm going to aim to be more on the ball with it from now on - I've replied to a load of old messages, changed the look a bit and added a flyer me and Craig designed last night, which we will get printed very soon indeed. It's simplified with less vids and moving things, but I think it makes it clearer overall, considering its main purpose is to funnel people towards this place.
Still a bit unsure about what to do with the music player, but I guess if we rotated various bands' MP3s it could be effective.
I will also try to write some blog news articles now and again. Thoughts?
UK Thrash Myspace
Moderators: James, Craig, Resilience Records
UK Thrash Myspace
thrashduck wrote:And the internet was without uk thrash form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of James moved upon the face of the waters.
"No Hellscourger, I would not like a strawberry."
- James
Administrator - Posts: 8334
- Joined: Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:17 pm
- Location: Witham, Essex
Re: UK Thrash Myspace
looks really good, u should have that top bit alot of bands myspaces have with that artwork
- meluaz
- Posts: 2680
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- Location: london
Re: UK Thrash Myspace
Yeah, I don't actually know how to do that, and dunno what is worth putting there.
thrashduck wrote:And the internet was without uk thrash form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of James moved upon the face of the waters.
"No Hellscourger, I would not like a strawberry."
- James
Administrator - Posts: 8334
- Joined: Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:17 pm
- Location: Witham, Essex
Re: UK Thrash Myspace
Nice, I like the little moving joy of past gig flyers! The new flyer looks pretty cool as well. Lovely.
- jonny_boy34
- Posts: 6438
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- Location: North-West London
Re: UK Thrash Myspace
Yep, that looks good. Rotating UK Thrash bands for the music seems like a good idea. A link to the UKThrash podcast might be an idea.
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- metaldazza
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Re: UK Thrash Myspace
Yeah dude, rotating the tracks is a good idea.
Maybe an all encompassing gig calendar too?
Maybe an all encompassing gig calendar too? - Enrich your life and eardrums. - For msn and gig booking related gayness for Let 'Em Bum. - For msn and gig booking related gayness for Let 'Em Bum.
- Kilgore~Let 'Em Burn
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Re: UK Thrash Myspace
James wrote:Yeah, I don't actually know how to do that, and dunno what is worth putting there.
yeah anyone here know how to do that?
- meluaz
- Posts: 2680
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- Location: london
Re: UK Thrash Myspace
I don't think it's particularly necessary at the mo, all I'd put there would be the flyer that is on the page below anyway. I like the link to Podcast idea though.
thrashduck wrote:And the internet was without uk thrash form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of James moved upon the face of the waters.
"No Hellscourger, I would not like a strawberry."
- James
Administrator - Posts: 8334
- Joined: Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:17 pm
- Location: Witham, Essex
Re: UK Thrash Myspace
Lots of 'Over Kill' green there.
I had to laugh at the '500 members, 130, 000 posts... ' bit. I think '500 members, seven of them post regularly... ' would have been better, though.
What's brought on your renewed enthusiasm for promoting Thrash anyway, James? Resurrecting threads from 2006, organising Thrash-themed gatherings, rejigging the MySpace page. What next, UK Thrash Pogs?
I had to laugh at the '500 members, 130, 000 posts... ' bit. I think '500 members, seven of them post regularly... ' would have been better, though.
What's brought on your renewed enthusiasm for promoting Thrash anyway, James? Resurrecting threads from 2006, organising Thrash-themed gatherings, rejigging the MySpace page. What next, UK Thrash Pogs?
- Metal Iain
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Re: UK Thrash Myspace
looks very good....but
500 friends?? more like... 25 or a similar number to that hahahaha
But nice work james and craig looking very cool. Rotating music is a good idea and a maybe listing all the main gigs for bands under the giging section for each month would be a wicked idea!
500 friends?? more like... 25 or a similar number to that hahahaha
But nice work james and craig looking very cool. Rotating music is a good idea and a maybe listing all the main gigs for bands under the giging section for each month would be a wicked idea!
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James wrote:I don't hate them, I just think they're a disgrace to metal.
H.O.D. Feemo wrote:I play girls aloud a lot with my walkman on while walking the dog, some chavs caught me dancing once.
Gay enough?
- origamikid
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Re: UK Thrash Myspace
It is quite refreshing though to see Thrash is still the favoured music of us few particularly now the metal press is getting more and more anti-thrash.
Seems crappy deathcore and fringe music is the flavour of the month now.
Seems crappy deathcore and fringe music is the flavour of the month now. - Enrich your life and eardrums. - For msn and gig booking related gayness for Let 'Em Bum. - For msn and gig booking related gayness for Let 'Em Bum.
- Kilgore~Let 'Em Burn
- Posts: 765
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- Location: Bradford
Re: UK Thrash Myspace
The stats may not be a super accurate reflection but who cares, the more the better. The thrash drive is simply because I still really enjoy thrash Iain, there are lots of UK bands putting hard work in, and I don't want this site to be a laughing stock. A laughing 'place' by all means, but not a laughing stock.
thrashduck wrote:And the internet was without uk thrash form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of James moved upon the face of the waters.
"No Hellscourger, I would not like a strawberry."
- James
Administrator - Posts: 8334
- Joined: Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:17 pm
- Location: Witham, Essex
Re: UK Thrash Myspace
ERmm.. yeah nice one James, a link with the podcast would be nice, the podcast myspace really badly craves friends as well.. so...
NEKROKANNIBAL wrote: delete this account now coz this forum is pure fuckin gay lame shit
- thrashduck
- Posts: 6732
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Re: UK Thrash Myspace
It's probably very obvious but the main stumbling block with getting new faces on board and 'spreading the message' as it were is the fact that Thrash is really nothing new.
It's extremely difficult to be original in music now and in a genre such as thrash, doubly so. The vast majority of the mainstream metal press seem to be spearheading a bit of a thrash backlash in recent times and it's taking quite a knock.
Thrash always has been my favourite genre of metal and probably always will be and i'm glad that younger folk (i am 31 after all and am therefore a bit of an old git)such as James, Jamie, Josh, Tom et al are keeping the enthusiasm for it burning so brightly in todays day and age and that's why i like posting here.
Hopefully the Myspace will garner more and more attention in the coming months and turn people onto the great thrash bands that're out there in the underground instead of the bands that've already 'made it' so to speak. I'll be behind it 100% of the way.
It's extremely difficult to be original in music now and in a genre such as thrash, doubly so. The vast majority of the mainstream metal press seem to be spearheading a bit of a thrash backlash in recent times and it's taking quite a knock.
Thrash always has been my favourite genre of metal and probably always will be and i'm glad that younger folk (i am 31 after all and am therefore a bit of an old git)such as James, Jamie, Josh, Tom et al are keeping the enthusiasm for it burning so brightly in todays day and age and that's why i like posting here.
Hopefully the Myspace will garner more and more attention in the coming months and turn people onto the great thrash bands that're out there in the underground instead of the bands that've already 'made it' so to speak. I'll be behind it 100% of the way. - Enrich your life and eardrums. - For msn and gig booking related gayness for Let 'Em Bum. - For msn and gig booking related gayness for Let 'Em Bum.
- Kilgore~Let 'Em Burn
- Posts: 765
- Joined: Mon Dec 18, 2006 11:07 pm
- Location: Bradford