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anyone ever thinking of give thrash up?

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anyone ever thinking of give thrash up?

Postby Bloodkrishna on Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:43 pm

guys, I havent touch any thrash stuff for months,

it's my own habit over years
I always addicted to thrash for a while
then leave it alone for a while
everytime I leave it there
I always pick it up months later

but I never have such huge urge to give it up,
selling my whole damn thrash cd collections like now,

I don't know what to do,
I don't have the mood to thrash right now, but at the other hands
I don't really willing to selling all those stuffs

so, I got my self hanging over there for months

can somebody talk to me?

[btw, I actually listening some other metal but thrash,
I'm playing some melo dm, Carcass, Dismember, Hibria.......]
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Re: anyone ever thinking of give thrash up?

Postby Dian Wei on Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:10 pm

You'd need 400 trucks to sell your collection!

Don't give it up!

You're the shining star of the east!

Also post the link to your excellent forum again, I lost it and searching for it made me scared.

In all seriousness though, it's swings and round abouts. I get very bored of albums to the point where I never want to listen to them again. Then 8 months down the line it's the best album in the entire world again.
Gee.... I don't know about the rest of you guys, but lately the only things that truly motivate me are erections and bowel movements.

Thank the Police coming straight from the underground...
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Re: anyone ever thinking of give thrash up?

Postby STD_Caps on Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:19 pm

Yeah, I give thrash a break but always come back, I never give it up. Same with punk - sometimes it's all I'll listen to and then I'll slowly move away to more generally listenings. But I'd never shift my thrash CDs, they'll always be special.
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Re: anyone ever thinking of give thrash up?

Postby H.O.D. Feemo on Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:21 pm

You'll totally regret selling them, I don't play with my willy at the mo, doesn't mean I'm going to chop it off.

That's a lie, I always play with my willy.
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Re: anyone ever thinking of give thrash up?

Postby meluaz on Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:00 am

But only thrash is true!! seriously I love thrash even more when I come back to it from bingeing on other non thrash genres.
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Re: anyone ever thinking of give thrash up?

Postby meluaz on Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:00 am

But only thrash is true!! seriously I love thrash even more when I come back to it from bingeing on other non thrash genres.
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Re: anyone ever thinking of give thrash up?

Postby thrasherdave on Wed Jun 22, 2011 11:25 am

I've been tempted to stray away from thrash many times, frankly because in my eyes it's started to become somewhat of a joke. So many bands have decided that they want to sound EXACTLY like x or y band, which in turn leaves you with a buttload of bands with about as much charisma as soiled underwear - there're plenty who sound 'bog standard'; but do what they do really well, and I'm cool with that. it's the shitty ones that've ruined it - which is to say, most of them. Not enough bands like HOD, Seregon, Mutant, Deceptor etc. around to keep me that interested in the newer stuff for an extended period of time anymore (at least not until another ace album/band comes about) and I've listened to all the old stuff so many times that I think my brain has the artwork for Release From Agony imprinted on it.

That being said, this place still gives me the most satisfaction when it comes to thrash. Every so often i need to tell thrash to fuck off and put on some Pink Floyd or, failing that, death metal, but I always keep coming back to le frash simply because the UK has some great bands. Shit ones too, but still - it's all your fault, UK Thrash. Thanks, dickheads.
Dian Wei wrote:It's that UKT vibe, we all basically are gay for one another.
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Re: anyone ever thinking of give thrash up?

Postby phodg on Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:28 pm

I go through phases. Thrash, death, rock, punk, whatever.

Currently listening to a lot of punk again - just started going through all the Damned albums in order. Mighty fine.
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Re: anyone ever thinking of give thrash up?

Postby Bloodkrishna on Wed Jun 22, 2011 4:40 pm

I think this time the biggest force to made me wanna quit
is my closest metal buddy give up metal [TOTALLY] from last year
at first I think it's fine to me
I still go on to thrash , he go his way
but then I think I really lose someone to share to chat about metal
thats really ruin my mood and will

you know, I'm alone in HK guys
I got tons of thrash metal bands albums that no one over here ever know and heard of

when I go to other genres
I always choose some best, classic stuff to hear
top bands, dark tranquillity, hibria, crimson glory, manilla road
maiden, saxon, carcass, morbid angel [ NOT the new album ]....etc

so I got some great stuff from elsewhere
because I dont take and dig them seriously like thrash

oh that willy talk is smart, ha
but even I don't play with it, I still need it to piss
if those thrash albums, I don't listen to them
they are just one huge pile of plastic
and I'm facing those pile of plastic everyday in my small room

Dave, dont get too upset about some crap new bands
many mediocre shit comes from 80' too,
I dont have this kind of problem,
crap release doesnt really makes me wanna quit

and, no need hundred trucks, one vehicle is enough...
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Re: anyone ever thinking of give thrash up?

Postby Atom on Wed Jun 22, 2011 5:38 pm

Mmmm, I haven't listened to thrash in what seems like years now, mostly death/heavy/other genres at the moment BUT... I always enjoy some thrash now and again! Just don't worry BK, you will dig them again some time. As for selling the CDs, if you want to, sure! I'm sure they are backed up on your iTunes or whatever.
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Re: anyone ever thinking of give thrash up?

Postby Dian Wei on Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:09 pm

I will give you exactly three english pounds for your entire collection.
Gee.... I don't know about the rest of you guys, but lately the only things that truly motivate me are erections and bowel movements.

Thank the Police coming straight from the underground...
Dian Wei
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Re: anyone ever thinking of give thrash up?

Postby thrasherdave on Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:25 pm

Haha that's a lot of money in Hong Kong.

I think all it really takes to get back the thrash itch is a really, really good release.
Dian Wei wrote:It's that UKT vibe, we all basically are gay for one another.
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Re: anyone ever thinking of give thrash up?

Postby thrashduck on Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:30 am

Bloodkrishna wrote:oh that willy talk is smart, ha
but even I don't play with it, I still need it to piss

You are truly a modern day Shakespeare B Krish.

Thrash is always there for me, I've knocked down my musical walls a lot since I was 18-19 (as is the case with a lot on here I'd suspect), but don't you, forget about me, don't don't don't don't..

I don't see a problem with shit thrash, I just choose to ignore it and go for the gold.

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Re: anyone ever thinking of give thrash up?

Postby Bloodkrishna on Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:55 am

Dian Wei wrote:I will give you exactly three english pounds for your entire collection.

three english pounds for my used and unwanted underwear collection?

if you can pay me 30 pounds postage, I could ship it out by reg. mail to u

thanks for the deal bro!!!

yes Dave, I need to search for my thrash cds to found one "it better be GREAT" album to play
to bring my mood back,
im trying Sadus debut today, hope it works

modern day Shakespeare?
I dont get it
why every single word I said , you guys feel so .... I dunno, great? funny? special?
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Re: anyone ever thinking of give thrash up?

Postby Dian Wei on Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:47 pm

It's that UKT vibe, we all basically are gay for one another.

I'd buy your underwear collection, but I'm afraid I'm into basques now. The one I'm wearing now has nipples holes and everything, it really makes me feel like a man.

Sadus are amazing, dave actually got it right, which is very strange.
Gee.... I don't know about the rest of you guys, but lately the only things that truly motivate me are erections and bowel movements.

Thank the Police coming straight from the underground...
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