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Heathen Upriseing Free gig Camden

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Re: Heathen Upriseing Free gig Camden

Postby radioactive rik on Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:23 pm

a good all dayer. well done as always to Jamie and Jake for making the day a success.

Trippy Wicked were good but not my cup of tea so to speak,i found the vocal was too whiney in a way that made me want to whinge.it was crisp sounding but at the same time i found it a bit gloomy.i know a lot of others were liking it a lot more so in that sense they played a good opening set.

Deathskulls were good and i was liking the change in pace and the brit hardcore sound.only thing is,after a while it got a bit samey.obviously every band has their sound/style but it started to feel like one big song.still an energetic set,maybe with a few variables or a slightly shorter set,these guys will be bang on.

Flowers Of Flesh and Blood were a wicked 3 piece.real catchy crossover style stuff with a punky vocal.good to see Fred in the 3rd band he plays in.

Witchsorrow were again not my cup of tea,but still had a big crowd and plenty of cheers so its just down to me as an individual not liking some of the slower/gloomier/downbeat stuff.doesnt mean i can say theyre not a good band coz if that were the case then the floor would be empty/everyone would be outside etc so its literally just down to me not really feeling it.

Sick To Death were amazing as always.one of my fave bands to support/enjoy for 2009.its funny how caps can perform so anarchicly but at the same time speak some deep truths about the world involving some big fancy words.Intelligent and insane at the same time,genius!
a great olympic hurdle by Caps,over the fence/barrier and into the crowd bought the first bout of some much needed movement and crowd involvement into the all dayer.a little glass and spilt beer on the floor but hey,dont blame Caps because it was Chris Hearne who goaded him into jumping it im the first place :lol:
also the Madeline comment started off with me thinking "uh-oh, wheres he going with this" but by the end it made a lot of sense and was worth bringing up.

Dead Existence were great and Fred was a d.j on that guitar at the end.really made some distorted ear bleeding sounds,wicked mixing and guitar work.
Jakes vocals were top.really growling and brutal.the floor was nice and full and the front row was really rockin out.

Hang The Bastard were good and their hardcore doomy style("doomcore" as i put it)was a great way to sum up the best of both worlds considering the day had a mix off gloom/doom/atmospheric and punk/crossover/hardcore bands.
there was a mad crowd for this one with people moshing/swingin about.a minor incident was diffused rather quickly by the main vocalist saying "fighting is soooo gay...yeah some of us are all angry and that but a push mosh will do".
from then on the pit stayed mad but everyone was helping eachother up and safe in the knowledge that no "angry" kids would start any more shit.

i left before Centurions Ghost,and i may have forgotten to mention 1 or 2 bands as the early line up was changed about a bit and 1 or 2 other bands were filling in etc so im sorry if i missed anyone out.

other highlights were:giving John his birthday joy,stevedot2 buying me a redbull,Faraz turning up later than expected due to his ladyfriend explanation,ordering a 5piece chicken meal and ending up with 6 pieces(bonus),also had a chickenburger to go with my meal.the place was HFC chicken.i think the HFC banks are combining with KFC to cut costs in this current recession.
also getting home by midnight rather than 430am like the other week in watford was nice.

anyway in a bit i gotta leave for the canning town to attend the rucktion records night to see River Fresney.

heres some vids:

(double click for the high quality version.)

Dead Existence
[youtube][/youtube]i will edit/post this clip up later after ive tried re-uploading it on youtube.my youtube upload is taking forever or its got stuck.ive gotta hurry up and get to london now so ill add this vid after work tomorrow.
radioactive rik
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