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Virus at the unicorn

Discussion about upcoming gigs and gig swaps

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Virus at the unicorn

Postby Siren on Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:26 pm

Gig Saturday night

So there I was shifting stuff from London to our new place and we drove past the unicorn... I wondered how that happened Group hug Elephant I wandered into the Unicorn and found Rod and said hi, Chris was dealing with some boring nerd so gave me a nod.

So the sound was crap, the guys they didnt get a real sound check but the band were so DAM TIGHT! that new base player is just awesome Hell yeah! the band was just freakin off the planet! :rockdevil:

So they wrap it up, then this old guy with a Gandalf complex gets on the stage in full thrash gear and long grey hair. Next thing ya see is him investigating his ass hole with his fingers through his jeans in full view of the crowd... :crap: he does it about half a dozen times and then gets of the stage and wanders around the Unicorn with his finger buried up it to the fourth joint, like eeewwwwuuuggghhh! :doh: Who ever he is, given him a box of rubber gloves and some detol! :shame:

So it was just amazing guys. See ya next time :dance: :dance: :evil: :P :D :) :angel:

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