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Re: Warhammer

Postby radioactive rik on Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:55 pm

wicked eldar stuff James really neat and smart and really professional highlights.
heres my first conversion: an ogryn with a warhammer fantasy ogre head, half the original raised arm cut off and replaced with a mutated/giant skaven spike.
and the gun arm is actually an ork arm which fitted nicely.i got the ork free with a mag ages ago.
i didnt want any 2 of my 4 ogryns looking like twins/duplicates:2 of the model have this torso so i didnt want any matching arms on either of them.
i wanted them to all look like individuals.

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Re: Warhammer

Postby radioactive rik on Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:56 pm

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Re: Warhammer

Postby Dian Wei on Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:51 pm

I really like it Rik, it sort of looks cartoony whilst still looking menacing.
Gee.... I don't know about the rest of you guys, but lately the only things that truly motivate me are erections and bowel movements.

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Re: Warhammer

Postby James on Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:58 pm

Really cool conversion and paint job! There's something really old school about the colours you use. You're making a whole squad of these then?

I've been on quite a hiatus, haven't touched any warhammer in about 4 months. A few of my most recent things are here: http://www.facebook.com/#!/media/set/?s ... 929&type=1

I've always wanted to paint some Vampire Counts though...
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Re: Warhammer

Postby radioactive rik on Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:00 pm

cheers for the comments dudes.it was kind of bright when taking the pics so it looks lighter in tone than in reality.

amazing stuff on facebook James.you must easily have a case worth of painted models and 2 armies worth.
you really have been cracking on.
i started that ogryn nearly a bloody year ago in the flat and once the light went or my head ached i used to get frustrated and call it a day most times.also it was the same yable we had dinner on so had to always pack/unpack each time.

the thing is,i used to only be able to do 1hr -90mins painting at a time before my head ached like a killer migrain.
also ive never woken up with a clear head,raring to go or felt 100% since my latter few years of school and used to always wonder why.
anyway during some driving lessons in 2006 i struggled to read some number plates in front of me.the instructor suggested an eyetest and so i went for one and found out my left eye was overall crapper than my right eye and so they sorted me some glasses and said i only need to use them for sriving and watching t.v.
after the lessons and watching the odd programmes with the specs i didnt really bother with them.

but last november when i went back onto shifts and sales in an artificial/airport environment i thought it cant just be the shifts/lighting making me so knackered.so i started to use the glasses full time at work and DAMN it made a difference.i could see all the signage clearly and could focus further in the distance and everything was sharper than before.

i came to the conclusion that im dependant on the glasses and i have never felt SOOOOO good and well in almost over a decade due to this.£40 for the specs.bargain to be rid of a feeling of eternal hangover.
first thing i do when i get out of bed is put the glasses on and it takes half the time to wake up now.

point of this story is i can now play games,surf internet,paint etc etc for as long a i desire without feeling like i need a lie down/sleep/aspirin.

also the stupid fucking GP's never suggested i get an eye test during my teens and they get paid silly money to just say shit like i maybe im just finding school hard or maybe its your job etc etc,youll be ok and make sure you drink plenty of water and eat more fruit etc. fucking useless wankers.
i think eyetests should be compulsory at schools just like the BCG jab.

and the opticians should have just been honest and said:look sonny your left eye is crap so you will need to wear these on a near permanent basis.
instead of "just for tv and driving"

but yeah,with the aid of the re-spectacles it certainly changed my life.
and fuck paying £1500 odd for laser eye surgery.2 lads at work have done it but i quite like looking like a speccy geek salesperson,it tricks customers into thinking your extra intelligent lol.besides,i am cleverer than most people anyway so its more genuine ha!also glasses add a more trusting look i reckon.

so yeah,more painting will be done.and having a spare room with white wallpaper(more light) kicks ass. it used to be my old room with dark green wallpaper.and with it being upstairs its extra quiet and peaceful for undisturbed painting.

i plan to do the 4 ogryns plus the odern mogryn captain/chief thingy (not Nork Deddog,the other one)

and yeah,the new vampire counts look cool and would be my army of choice if i bought any fantasy stuff.
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Re: Warhammer

Postby TurboHyperUltraMega on Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:45 pm

Rik those shots are awesome i would show you some of my eldar and space marine stuff but its badly painted, not soo bad but not very detailed either
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Re: Warhammer

Postby James on Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:53 pm

Only cool dudes paint Warhammer 8-)
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thrashduck wrote:And the internet was without uk thrash form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of James moved upon the face of the waters.

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Re: Warhammer

Postby Dian Wei on Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:09 am

Those were the days my friends, I thought they'd never end..... :(
Gee.... I don't know about the rest of you guys, but lately the only things that truly motivate me are erections and bowel movements.

Thank the Police coming straight from the underground...
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Re: Warhammer

Postby TurboHyperUltraMega on Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:34 pm

Ill take a picture of some of my warhammer painted figuires and show you how shit they are! Its not much but i got decent stuff!
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Re: Warhammer

Postby TurboHyperUltraMega on Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:18 pm

Oh adn Rik i tried to send you a message but it keeps putting it to the outbox i think your inbox may be full could you send me a message or something is about next weekend
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Re: Warhammer

Postby James on Mon Aug 08, 2011 11:44 am

All messages go into the outbox until the person has read them.
thrashduck wrote:And the internet was without uk thrash form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of James moved upon the face of the waters.

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Re: Warhammer

Postby radioactive rik on Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:46 am

im still making steady progress on the ogryns

in the meantime,im still glad i havent set foot in a store since this thread was first made almost 3years ago.

i dont know who is more retarded the kids OR the Staff member.....fucking proper spastics alert
also check out the added random bonus paedophile spectator WITH SLR CAMERA just after 3 mins
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Re: Warhammer

Postby thrashduck on Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:07 am

Hahaha, that's basically Brent..

"So... D'ywanna fire that?!"

"The missile may blow off course, it may hit a stray pigeon.. who knows?!"

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Re: Warhammer

Postby H.O.D. Feemo on Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:57 pm

That video is the exact reason why I've never played a game of it in my life. The figures and back-stories of characters are brilliant but....Just....Look at the guy.
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Re: Warhammer

Postby meluaz on Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:34 pm

I have been playing a lot of back gammon recently, it is making me want to start playing warhammer again haha
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