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Don't worry everyone, there's another Opeth album on the way

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Re: Don't worry everyone, there's another Opeth album on the

Postby jonny_boy34 on Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:35 pm

Oh bloody hell, they've turned into a gay jazz metal band!

It's alright, and there are a few amazing bits, but I'm not convinced yet, it's a bit... you know... and the 'God is dead' lyric (if that's what he's actually saying) makes me cringe very much. It's not wonderfully emotional like they usually like to be, too much like Dream Theatre, blargh!

However, Ankerfank has said that not one single track is indicative of what the rest of the album sounds like, so hopefully none of the other songs will sound like this and the rest of the album will be amazing. He has also said that this is very different to anything else they've done, and it sounds like he wasn't lying... but yeah, being the first 'single' and all, I'm sure there will better tings on the what not. Like Porcelain Heart from Watershed, for example.

I have to say though I do like the quiet jazzy bit in the middle of the song, it's very cool. I just hope they don't get too jazzy and pretentious and remember to keep the emotional goodness and lovely melody that Ankerfank is so good at.

At least he's writing what he wants to write, that's pretty obvious, so I'll give him that. But it's no Master's Apprentices. That's for bloody god damn sure.
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Re: Don't worry everyone, there's another Opeth album on the

Postby jonny_boy34 on Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:51 pm

Yeah, it is quite a bit better after a few listens actually, and the guitar solo at the end is amazing... but it's still bit dodgy for the first half of the song I think. Hmmm.
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Re: Don't worry everyone, there's another Opeth album on the

Postby Dian Wei on Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:01 pm

I liked it.
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Re: Don't worry everyone, there's another Opeth album on the

Postby meluaz on Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:01 pm

jonny_boy34 wrote:Oh bloody hell, they've turned into a gay jazz metal band!

It's alright, and there are a few amazing bits, but I'm not convinced yet, it's a bit... you know... and the 'God is dead' lyric (if that's what he's actually saying) makes me cringe very much. It's not wonderfully emotional like they usually like to be, too much like Dream Theatre, blargh!

However, Ankerfank has said that not one single track is indicative of what the rest of the album sounds like, so hopefully none of the other songs will sound like this and the rest of the album will be amazing. He has also said that this is very different to anything else they've done, and it sounds like he wasn't lying... but yeah, being the first 'single' and all, I'm sure there will better tings on the what not. Like Porcelain Heart from Watershed, for example.

I have to say though I do like the quiet jazzy bit in the middle of the song, it's very cool. I just hope they don't get too jazzy and pretentious and remember to keep the emotional goodness and lovely melody that Ankerfank is so good at.

At least he's writing what he wants to write, that's pretty obvious, so I'll give him that. But it's no Master's Apprentices. That's for bloody god damn sure.

Your opinion is poo, that whole beginning bit you dislike sounds pretty much the same as hex omega.
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Re: Don't worry everyone, there's another Opeth album on the

Postby jonny_boy34 on Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:45 pm

But it's less atmospheric and there are more notes and fancy things going on, so it sounds a bit more gay, if you know what I mean blud. But saying that, if Hex Omega just did that beginning riff for the first half of the song, it would be rubbish as well. But it goes into a lovely bit with flutes and joy, so it's wonderful. You see what I mean and all that? If The Devil's Orchard just had that fancy thing as an opening riff and went into something more enjoyable for the human brain, that would be better I think. Or maybe if the chorus (if you can call it a chorus) was better and the silly lyric wasn't there, it would be better. So up your bum mate.
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Re: Don't worry everyone, there's another Opeth album on the

Postby jonny_boy34 on Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:22 pm

Another gay new song I found on youtube and had a sneaky listen to to try and comfort my horrible fears:

Right. I'm going to say it. Everyone knows how much I like to bum Opeth right up their massive arses. But unfortunately those massive arses are beginning to be filled with their heads, ever so slowly reaching further and further up their bum-holes. I mean, what is this fancy bollocks all about? Why is Mikael Bumbaklaat trying so hard to be different and cool when he could just write some more amazing songs? It's all well and good trying to be a nice fancy prog band trying to mix Jethro Tull, Black Sabbath and modern jazz metal madness together, but where are the melodies? The lovely wonderful melodies? WHERE ARE THEY YOU BASTARDS?!!!

Here's another one:

As with the first one, it starts with a lovely quiet bit that makes you think 'oh wow this is going to be good,' and in fact the first part of this song is really bloody amazing, but then it goes all silly and gay again. But then there's an amazing quiet bit at the end. What are you doing Opeth? Why are you doing this to me? This is very confusing. Why do they only hint at these amazing wonderful bits and then go back to nothing really happening?

Of course, I'll probably buy the album, listen to it a few times, than go "wow it really grows on you, blimey!!111" and all that. But usually, even when you have a grower of an album, you can still hear it's amazingness at first. Like with Ghost Reveries. But with this, I don't know, it just all seems a bit silly. There are some amazing bits though. But they never last and the songs seem to go into silly bits too quickly. I don't understand. I don't understand this madness!

Now, despite everything I just said, here's one more song that's amazing, and I can't believe that Opeth have done a fast song that ends with a lovely bit of Swedish medieval folk joy, mental! Ok, I'm going to buy the album now, just for this song. I wonder if this is the Dio tribute song he talked about? It reminds me a bit of classic Rainbow in places, and the structure of the song (fast rocking, ending in acoustic nice) reminds me of Heaven & Hell. I can't believe I'm saying this about an Opeth song. Ok Mikael Wankerfanker, you're pretty bloody good, that's all I'm listening to for now, I just hope there are some more lovely melodies awaiting me on the rest of the album. Bastards.

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Re: Don't worry everyone, there's another Opeth album on the

Postby jonny_boy34 on Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:27 am

Aha, I've just found a way to sum up my mixed sexual feelings about all this. Basically, none of the songs I've heard so far feel like a complete journey, in the way that Hessian Peel or The Lotus Eater or Baying of The Hounds or Harlequin Forest or Ghost of Perdition or Blackwater Park or... well, you get the idea... in the way that they took you on such a wonderful musical journey. The new ones have loads of lovely bits and are pleasant enough to listen to, but they don't really seem to go anywhere. Just a fancy classical mess, as Bruce Lee would say.

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Re: Don't worry everyone, there's another Opeth album on the

Postby Dian Wei on Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:44 pm

So far I've enjoyed them all so far.

Hax was especially nice.
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Re: Don't worry everyone, there's another Opeth album on the

Postby phodg on Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:49 pm

The album's out now on t'internet. I haven't listened to it but my nephew's an Opeth fan and he said it's going to take a few listens.
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Re: Don't worry everyone, there's another Opeth album on the

Postby boovidge on Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:49 am

there better be plenty of obo3 solos in this or im going to be disappointed.
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Re: Don't worry everyone, there's another Opeth album on the

Postby STD_Caps on Wed Sep 14, 2011 4:59 pm

Only listened to the first released song at the mo. Will buy the album in due course and then probably resign Opeth to the memory hole.
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Re: Don't worry everyone, there's another Opeth album on the

Postby jonny_boy34 on Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:58 am

Ok so this album is actually really amazing, so up yours all of you alright? Even The Devil's Orchard somehow seems much better now that I have the real album. There are loads more mellow tings on this album than I imagined too, and it's lovely. And I really enjoy the lack of growls. It's really lovely. And Nepenthe is very very good, as is Marrow Of The Earth (amazing closing instrumental loveliness, really really really lovely).

So it turns out that Opeth isn't quite over yet. In fact they are very fresh and delicious, and sound like they have a new lease of life. Unlike Watershed, which although I personally loved it, I could tell there was some kind of creativity lacking in certain parts, and they were starting to sound a little bit stale, and at the same time also a little bit more commercial, which worried me a little bit. Luckily they've gone mental this time. Although this album is confusing at first, it seems very lovely indeed. After a few listens I'll be able to talk about it properly.

Basically, I am very relieved and very joyous indeed.
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Re: Don't worry everyone, there's another Opeth album on the

Postby Dian Wei on Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:40 am

As much as I can't really trust a review about Opeth by you, I'm glad to hear that you've come around.

I'm still yet to hear it properly myself, I might see about getting it later on.
Gee.... I don't know about the rest of you guys, but lately the only things that truly motivate me are erections and bowel movements.

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Re: Don't worry everyone, there's another Opeth album on the

Postby jonny_boy34 on Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:40 pm

It is good. It's bloody good. Now I've calmed down a bit, perhaps what I could criticise is that vocally there aren't a lot of memorable melodies, although because the music's so good it doesn't really matter. Also there aren't many orgasmic climatic moments like in songs like Baying of the Hounds or Master's Apprentices or any such things and such. However, it is a very very lovely album. It seems more of an album about creating a wonderful atmosphere and things of joy, rather than going "BLLLAAAAARRGH HERE'S A REALLY HEAVY BIT and here's a lovely quiet bit." Because of that the songs are a lot less like proper songs, and lot more like pieces of loveliness. But it's great and I love it.
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