Donny is magic.

Anyone else?
I will make more!
Moderators: James, Craig, Resilience Records
Bangover wrote:I have it, i think its exclusively for mac only though....therefore only cool people can have it
Metal Iain wrote:This board has nothing to do with the 'scene'. It's more just about 10 or so pricks who used to like Thrash that, for one reason or another, waste a lot of time posting on here.
Dian Wei wrote:I might buy a old one or a refurbed one. But the idea that they are some how superior to pcs is laughable they are practically the same machines these days except Mac charge about 5 times as much fr components.
Dian Wei wrote:Oh hello i have a mac i would like a gig of ram please, certainly that's £606060606006 pounds please. They are decent stable platforms not the saving grace of the fucking universe as half the people using them would like to believe.
NEKROKANNIBAL wrote: delete this account now coz this forum is pure fuckin gay lame shit
thrashduck wrote:We have a wonderful big white mac at home. I only use my laptop because its my own, and if I'm honest, it's fucking shit compared to the mac.
I don't know how people can complain about macs these days - their compatibility is much better these days, they don't break down, they don't get viruses, they are sexy and most apple software blows microsoft's out of the water.
Pricey yes. But for a good reason.