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Entanglement of Cynic, Dark Tranquility & Textures

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Entanglement of Cynic, Dark Tranquility & Textures

Postby TheNewDominion on Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:47 pm

Procreating the undivine by The new Dominion
The flesh made entanglement of Cynic, Dark Tranquility, Textures, Prostitute Disfigurement & Pestilence-

The New Dominion drummer Yuma van Eekelen – ex-Pestilence / Exivious - to announce collaborators on forthcoming release

“Now that all recordings for “Procreating the Undivine” are practically finished, time has come to reveal some facts concerning our upcoming second album. Unfortunately we had to replace Marc van Stiphout for the majority of bass-recordings, but we found the perfect substitute for the job in the person of Robin Zielhorst – Ex-Cynic / Exivious – Besides Robin's contribution we are also really siked that Niels Adams – Prostitute Disfigurement / Centurian - was prepared to deliver some of the most brutal and furious guestvocals on one of the tracks. Both Robin's and Niels' skills most definitely belong to the best the metalscene has to offer.
For the cover-art we called upon the creativity of Niklas Sundin – Dark Tranquility – while the mastering of the album will by done by the gifted hands of Jens Bogren of Fascination Street Studio's – Opeth, Soilwork, Aman Amarth, Katatonia, etc.-”

For now, the complete recordings and all mixing has been done by Final Focus Studio, which is owned by Bart Hennephof – Textures - and Yumahimself.

More details about this topic can be found on http://www.thenewdominionband.com

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