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Favourite Metal Vocalists?

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Re: Favourite Metal Vocalists?

Postby Atom on Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:38 am

I'd also like to add, sometimes... Late at night... I hear a distant high pitch wailing. It is, I believe, John Cyriis calling to the space gods, asking to take him back...

No one can fuck with that guy, as far as high singers go, he is un-fuck-with-able!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHRDbuhAgHA - Greatest HM video of all time, listen to the noises he makes at the start... Heeenaahyy! Gweeehhaaa!

Look at the fucking light show! WOW!
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Re: Favourite Metal Vocalists?

Postby James on Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:37 am

I'm a big believer in lights in heavy metal! I think that's something a bit lacking in modern day shows compared to the legendary times - more lights and dry ice please!

I went to a local gig recently, and the music was serious crap factory, but they had put some effort into the lighting and there was this amazing box at the back of the stage which strafed the crowd with green lasers - so Agent Steel!

I can also totally understand why most of Iron Maiden's early gig money used to go on cool stage props and lighting - it's a great facet to heavy metal which I would like to see revived more.
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Re: Favourite Metal Vocalists?

Postby Dian Wei on Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:09 am

I'd like to add Wendy O Williams to my list as she is responsible for the harshest vocals i've every heard.


And yeah i totally agree with you there James, more theatrics and a light show in metal. Projectors, costumes galore!
Gee.... I don't know about the rest of you guys, but lately the only things that truly motivate me are erections and bowel movements.

Thank the Police coming straight from the underground...
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