Well with things like that I just generally play them on the console.
I've still got all mine and stuff, but I could be converted due to the allure of bed based laziness gaming.
Console Gaming
Moderators: James, Craig, Resilience Records
Re: Console Gaming
Gee.... I don't know about the rest of you guys, but lately the only things that truly motivate me are erections and bowel movements.
Thank the Police coming straight from the underground...

Thank the Police coming straight from the underground...

- Dian Wei
- Posts: 9132
- Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 3:24 pm
- Location: In the misty morning, on the edge of time.
Re: Console Gaming
UKthrash? more like UKconsolegaming.

- meluaz
- Posts: 2680
- Joined: Sat Jun 07, 2008 12:09 pm
- Location: london
Re: Console Gaming
Console gaming is great, young Zurab.
Dian Wei wrote:It's that UKT vibe, we all basically are gay for one another.
- thrasherdave
- Posts: 2402
- Joined: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:45 pm
- Location: Sheffield, UK
Re: Console Gaming
No it's not! it is un productive and promotes violence...

- meluaz
- Posts: 2680
- Joined: Sat Jun 07, 2008 12:09 pm
- Location: london
Re: Console Gaming
Get out
Dian Wei wrote:It's that UKT vibe, we all basically are gay for one another.
- thrasherdave
- Posts: 2402
- Joined: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:45 pm
- Location: Sheffield, UK
Re: Console Gaming
Zurab's right, after playing Sonic 3 & Knuckles the other day I really wanted to go outside and do a double electric jump to try magnetically attract 50 rings so that I could do another double jump, turn into Hyper Jon and run really fast everywhere. I decided against it in the end, didn't want to give the Daily Mail any more ammunition.
- jonny_boy34
- Posts: 6438
- Joined: Thu Dec 21, 2006 2:01 pm
- Location: North-West London
Re: Console Gaming
Does anyone have the courage to brave Sonic 4: Episode II upon its release next week? It looks like it's probably a fair bit better than Episode I, but I don't know if I can risk bearing the horrible feeling of rape and terror all over again...
- jonny_boy34
- Posts: 6438
- Joined: Thu Dec 21, 2006 2:01 pm
- Location: North-West London
Re: Console Gaming
Just walk away...
Dian Wei wrote:It's that UKT vibe, we all basically are gay for one another.
- thrasherdave
- Posts: 2402
- Joined: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:45 pm
- Location: Sheffield, UK
Re: Console Gaming
It's alright, luckily I read this: http://www.gamesradar.com/sonic-hedgeho ... ii-review/
I'm glad that gamesradar.com were finally honest this time round. They gave Episode I a stupidly over-enthusiastic 9/10 and tricked me into buying it, only for me to have the most disguting, frustrating experience of rape ever. What they've said about Episode II is exactly what was wrong with Episode I, only it sounds like it's even worse! I initially thought the levels looked quite a bit nicer than the first, and I was also tempted to get it, but after reading this it sounds like I would have been raped even harder and would've puked and cried everywhere by the end of the game. And the zones in Episode II still seem like a complete horrible bad cheap rip-off of earlier Sonic zones, they just tried to disguise it a bit more this time round by sometimes ripping off 2 or 3 zones in one go (Sylvania Castle = Aquatic Ruin, White Park = Carnival Night/Ice Cap/Stardust Speedway, Oil Desert = Oil Ocean/Sandopolis, Sky Fortress = Sky Chase/Wing Fortress). I actually can't believe how crap this is. Do they think we're bloody stupid wankers and not realise that they've just tried to make a shitty game and steal loads of old ideas because they can't think of anything original at all?
God, Sega really are a load of fucking cunts, aren't they? They've just shat all over the lovely memories and dreams of us all! I hate them and I want them all to die. Where are all the lovely boys who made Sonic 3 & Knuckles, for crying out loud?!
I'm glad that gamesradar.com were finally honest this time round. They gave Episode I a stupidly over-enthusiastic 9/10 and tricked me into buying it, only for me to have the most disguting, frustrating experience of rape ever. What they've said about Episode II is exactly what was wrong with Episode I, only it sounds like it's even worse! I initially thought the levels looked quite a bit nicer than the first, and I was also tempted to get it, but after reading this it sounds like I would have been raped even harder and would've puked and cried everywhere by the end of the game. And the zones in Episode II still seem like a complete horrible bad cheap rip-off of earlier Sonic zones, they just tried to disguise it a bit more this time round by sometimes ripping off 2 or 3 zones in one go (Sylvania Castle = Aquatic Ruin, White Park = Carnival Night/Ice Cap/Stardust Speedway, Oil Desert = Oil Ocean/Sandopolis, Sky Fortress = Sky Chase/Wing Fortress). I actually can't believe how crap this is. Do they think we're bloody stupid wankers and not realise that they've just tried to make a shitty game and steal loads of old ideas because they can't think of anything original at all?
God, Sega really are a load of fucking cunts, aren't they? They've just shat all over the lovely memories and dreams of us all! I hate them and I want them all to die. Where are all the lovely boys who made Sonic 3 & Knuckles, for crying out loud?!
- jonny_boy34
- Posts: 6438
- Joined: Thu Dec 21, 2006 2:01 pm
- Location: North-West London
Re: Console Gaming
I don't want to live on this planet anymo- oh wait,The King of Fighters XIII is out.
Dian Wei wrote:It's that UKT vibe, we all basically are gay for one another.
- thrasherdave
- Posts: 2402
- Joined: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:45 pm
- Location: Sheffield, UK
Re: Console Gaming
Oh by the way I've started to play that PS1 Castlevania game (Symphony of the Night I believe) and it's very cool indeed, though bloody well hard. There's just loads of bloody enemies jumping at your face all the bloody time. Thank goodness for save states!
- jonny_boy34
- Posts: 6438
- Joined: Thu Dec 21, 2006 2:01 pm
- Location: North-West London
Re: Console Gaming
Wait until you complete it, then use the luck cheat to keep all of your starting equipment.
Dian Wei wrote:It's that UKT vibe, we all basically are gay for one another.
- thrasherdave
- Posts: 2402
- Joined: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:45 pm
- Location: Sheffield, UK
Re: Console Gaming
I've been playing Sleeping Dogs, it's like an Asian Grand Theft Auto. I've mostly been running full pelt down the street and doing flying kicks into womens faces. Then I steal their purse and run away HAHAHA.
- Refused
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