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new T.C.F. album "Where Madness Reigns" out now!

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new T.C.F. album "Where Madness Reigns" out now!

Postby ThrashCoreFanatic on Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:23 am

Just released our debut 13-track album "where madness reigns", please check it out! you can listen into it at http://www.facebook.com/thrashcorefanatics => music store



Killer review @ Metal Command zine!


T.C.F. – Where Madness Reigns (2011, Malevolence Records)

Stil: Crossover/Thrash Metal, Spielzeit: 28:50

CROSSOVER IS BACK! And I don’t mean the hip hop tinged crossover some anti-musicians tried to destroy the rock ’n roll universe some 10-15 years ago with, but powerful, raging Crossover/Thrash which was introduced to us in the 80s by bands like S.O.D., D.R.I. and M.O.D. T.C.F. (pronounced: Thrash Core Fanatics) hail from Holland and have dedicated themselves with heart and soul to this hyperspeed style including crazy gangshouts. After releasing their infamous “Speed Or Bleed” EP in 2009 they easily manage to ascend to the level of Municipal Waste and the likes with their new album. In less than half an hour T.C.F. manages to sonically beat you up with the 13 songs that come blasting out of your home speaker system. While the undertone of the album is serious some typical Crossover humor does come shining through in the funny reggae intro to “I Like Ike” (in the best “Fast As A Shark” tradition), the spoken word intro to “Power Corrupts” and the funny “Duck And Cover” intro. The fat, brutal yet old school sounding production (engineered by Quintijn Verhoef) finishes off this album which every Thrasher and serious Hardcore simply HAS to like! Fact: next to Municipal Waste’s “Massive Agressive” this album contains some of the finest shit this (pretty modest) sub-genre has offered since the 80’s… And now I want to see a REAL moshpit, preferably the surface of the municipality of the town of Frankfurt! (http://www.facebook.com/thrashcorefanatics)!

Score: 9/10 (Marius Gindra)

German (original article):

T.C.F. – Where Madness Reigns (2011, Malevolence Records)

Stil: Crossover/Thrash Metal, Spielzeit: 28:50

CROSSOVER IS BACK! Nein, ich meine hiermit nicht diesen ganzen Hip Hop-"Metal"-Bastard, mit dem ein paar ganz gewitzte Antimusikanten vor rund 10-15 Jahren das Rock’n’Roll-Universum beinahe in den Abgrund rissen, sondern den Crossover/Thrash, der in den 80ern hauptsächlich von S.O.D., D.R.I. und M.O.D. mit wahnsinniger Energie und Brachialität zelebriert wurde. T.C.F. (ausgesprochen: THRASHCORE FANATICS) aus Holland haben sich mit Leib und Seele diesem hyperschnellen Gekloppe inklusive waschechter Gang-Shouts verschrieben und schaffen es nach einer famosen EP ("Speed Or Violence", 2009) mit ihrem Debütalbum locker, Municipal Waste und Co. auf Augenhöhe zu treten. In weniger als einer halben Stunde knüppelt, pöbelt und rotzt sich das völlig authentische Trio durch geschlagene 13 Songs, die fast wie aus einem Guss aus den heimischen Boxen hämmern. Ausnahmen sind das sehr humorige Reggae-Intro (in bester "Fast As A Shark"-Intro-Manier) zu Beginn von "I Like Ike", das gesprochene Intro zu "Power Corrupt" und die witzige Einleitung zu "Duck And Cover", die den typischen Crossover-Thrash-Humor untermalt. Und zu allem Überfluss hat die Truppe einen dermaßen fetten, brutalen und dennoch old-schooligen Sound (vollendet von Quintijn Verhoef), dass jeder Thrasher und Ursprungs-Hardcoreler hier absolut steil gehen MUSS! Fazit: Diese Platte ist neben Wastes "Massive Aggressive" einfach das beste Werk dieses (recht überschaulichen) Sub-Genres seit den 80ern... Und jetzt will ich einen richtigen Moshpit sehen, der so groß wie die Stadtfläche von Frankfurt ist (http://www.myspace.com/thrashcorefanatics)!

Wertung: 9/10 (Marius Gindra)

New review online @ mario's metal mania:

T.C.F. – Where Madness Reigns (CD) The Netherlands March 2012 Ad van Osch

Style: Thrash Metal / Hardcore / Crossover Running time: 28:55 (Tracks: 13)

T.C.F., which stands for THRASH CORE FANATICS, have released their first full length album, titled “Where Madness Reigns”, on Malevolence Records. In 2008, the band, which exists of Hans (vocals, bass, ex-ENFORCER), Nick (guitar) and Rob (drums, ex-INCREMENTAL), recorded their “Core '88” demo, and their 5 track EP “Speed Or Bleed” (2009), was reviewed by colleague Kees Schijven (see MMM update of March, 2010). So far, I've seen the band twice live (in 2009 and in 2010), and they are a fantastic live band. Well, these guys actually started the band as a joke, but soon it became clear T.C.F. was more then a joke, so it all became very serious. And indeed, because what T.C.F. presents on “Where Madness Reigns” is serious old school Crossover. Anyway, “Where Madness Reigns” features thirteen great songs, and believe me, the level of those songs is constantly high. I can't find any weak song on this album, which by the way has a beautiful cover. The band exists of excellent and talented musicians. Just listen to the fantastic guitar solos of “Noise Gate” Nick. This guy is really awesome. And the vocals of bassist Hans fits perfectly for this type of music. And to tell the truth, with this debut album, T.C.F. easily can compete with the new generation Thrash/Crossover bands such as MUNICPAL WASTE, GAMA BOMB, WARBRINGER, BONDED BY BLOOD, S.S.S., HAVOK etcetera. Every song on "Where Madness Reigns" can create a circle pit during a T.C.F. show. Well, what else can I say about "Where Madness Reigns", it is just a marvellous Crossover album. Although I like every song very much, my favorite ones of this CD are “Face The Truth”, “Slave Of The Suit”, “Where Madness Reigns”, “An Eye For An Eye”, “Justified Violence”, “Punch In The Face” and "Duck And Cover". What a fantastic debut album this is. Great work guys, looking forward to see you on the road again real soon. Thrash fanatics, hardcore freaks check this album out, you won't regret it.

Recordlabel: http://www.malevolence-records.us/

MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/thrashcorefanatics

Score: 88/100

Another kickass "where madness reigns" review online Lords of Metal:

T.C.F. - Where Madness Reigns
Malevolence Records

archiveer onder punk / hardcore

Koen: T.C.F. (kort voor Thrashcore Fanatics) heeft haar full-length ‘Where Madness Reigns’ via Malevolence Records zopas afgeleverd en het is geen understatement om te zeggen dat dit de beste crossover CD is die ooit op Nederlandse bodem is geproduceerd. Dit drietal is speeltechnisch enorm naar elkaar toegegroeid en men heeft in tegenstelling tot de in eigen beheer uitgebrachte ’Speed Or Bleed’ MCD de onderbroekenlol achterwege gelaten zonder overigens aan kwaliteit in te boeten. Hoe rauw deze muziek ook klinkt, compositorisch zitten de nummers bij T.C.F. zeer goed in elkaar en tekstueel vallen er ook genoeg zaken te beleven. Verderop in dit issue van Lords Of Metal staat een interview met zanger / bassist Hans Hostile dus ik hou het hier verder kort want aanschaffen is het advies! LET THE MOSH PATROL TAKE CONTROL!!!

Score 90/100


T.C.F. (short for Thrash Core Fanatics) has just released their full-lenght "Where Madness Reigns" on malevolence records. It is no understatement to say that this is the best crossover album ever released on Dutch soil. The three piece presents themselves as a tight unit. T.C.F. clearly abandoned the "fun" image which was still displayed on the self released "Speed Or Bleed" MCD without sacrificing musical quality. Even if the music is raw as hell, the songs are well written and T.C.F also has a lot to tell on the lyrical side of things. An in depth interview with bassplayer/frontman Hans Hostile also features in this months issue of Lords Of Metal so I'll keep this review short. Buy or die! LET THE MOSH PATROL TAKE CONTROL!!!

Score 90/100

Link to original article:


T.C.F. - Where Madness Reigns
Malevolence Records, 2012

Thrash Core Fanatics! Een Nederlandse band die de draad van D.R.I., S.O.D. crossover opnieuw opneemt en spingveerthrash uit de jaren tachtig wil laten herbeleven. Where Madness Reigns is hun debuut, een schitterend debuut, en dat zeg ik als metalhead die weinig zin heeft in crossover-toestanden.

Ik kan moeilijk uitleggen wat het exact is dat mij zo aanstaat bij dit Where Madness Reigns. In tegenstelling tot de meeste crossover klinkt dit behoorlijk heavy en stevig, zonder constant in de hoogste versnelling te willen schieten. De teksten zijn aanstekelijk en nooit prekerig, nogal een valkuil in het socio-kritische genre. De core-invloeden zijn van de goede soort: punkerige riffs, felle mannelijke gangshouts en volle strotten die stevig tekeer gaan zonder geforceerd te klinken alsof ze de volgende dagen extreem hees zullen zijn. Het gitaarwerk is eveneens om van te smullen: flitsend snel gerag en Nuclear Assault-riffs, opjuttende hardcore en lekkere, pure metal wisselen elkaar af. Drumgewijs van hetzelfde laken een broek; polka's en pit-cadansen, het ene salvo na het andere.

Ik apprecieer mateloos het feit dat dit niet de zoveelste funband geworden is maar een stevig raggende vuurbal, toch mag het nog ietsje herkenbaarder. Nummers als Slave of The Suit (ik voelde mij werkelijk waar aangesproken) en Duck and Cover zijn echt onvergetelijk, dat is niet bij alle nummers het geval. Klachten in de marge hoor, dit is een bovenstebeste thrascore/crossover/whatever-band. Boeken die handel!

Thrash Core Fanatics! A Dutch band that takes off where D.R.I. and S.O.D. have left off and wants to relive the days of high speed thrash from the 80’s. “Where Madness Reigns” is their debut offering, and an awesome offering it is. Know this is coming from a metalhead who doesn’t really care for the crossover style.

It’s hard to explain exacly why I like “Where Madness Reigns” so much. On contrary to most crossover T.C.F. sounds heavy and solid without the urge of constantly switching to the highest gear. The lyrics are contagious without it ever becomg a lection on what is right or wrong which is a common down in the socio-critical genre. The “core” influences are just the right ones: punky riffs, fierce male gangshouts and full vocals who deliver to full extent without sounding strained like there’ll be no voice left the day after. The guitar parts are also to die for: lightning fast chugging, nuclear assault styled riffs, aggro hardcore and killer pure metal are all to be found. The drums fit in prefectly too: thrash polka’s, pit rhythms, one burst after another!

What I appreciate most about this release is that it isn’t just another “fun” band but a fiercely shredding fireball. On the downside some songs could be a little more catchy. Songs like “Slave Of The Suit” (which totally applies to me) or “Duck and Cover” are instantly memorable, which is not the case with all songs. But this is a complaint in the margin, T.C.F. is an upper class thrashcore/crossover/whatever styled band! Now go and book them!

Score: 82/100

Link to original article:
http://www.zwaremetalen.com/recensie/21 ... eigns.html
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Re: new T.C.F. album "Where Madness Reigns" out now!

Postby Raging Paul on Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:37 pm

Don't hold back guys, give us all the info please!
Raging Paul
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Re: new T.C.F. album "Where Madness Reigns" out now!

Postby ThrashCoreFanatic on Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:06 am

If you wanna order one you can shoot me a mail @ t-c-f AT live.nl , cost are 10.50 GBP shipping included. I can accept paypal. It's also avialable through





http://www.amazon.com/Where-Madness-Rei ... 518&sr=8-1

But of course I prefer straight sales ;-)!

Cheers guys!
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