can get it from dreams too like if your running and fall over! it's just a natural reflex to falling... in your subconcious it feels like you've tripped or fallen and i guess the reflex part of your brain isn't shut off when you sleep so you naturally react to the feeling of falling!
Steve, I've had that sleep paralysis thing before, Isn't that something to do with something your body releases into your bloodstream when you fall alsleep which technically paralyses you so you dont flail around madly in your sleep? When I had it there was no hallucinations/half dreams, i was totally stone cold awake but i opened my eyes and went to move, it was kinda like having a dead arm but a dead body lol.. I just thought "ah well i can't move, go back to sleep", woke up half hour later and all was groovy!
I get dead arms some times, trick is to fall asleep with your arms not under your body, like if ur facing down or up, have your arms up or to the side (even if you're lying on your hands), and if you're sleeping on your side, make sure your bottom arm is going out at 90 degrees from your body, that way none of the nerves or blood vessels are being compressed!
one of my mates actually smacked himself in the face with a dead arm before, like rolled over in the morning and it just flailed into his face

I had some MENTAL dreams the other night, can't remember them except the feelings (if that makes sense) and a few random shreds of bits! I kept waking up from 6am onwards and just goin back to sleep for more dreamy goodness