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Funny Stories

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Postby BEER CAN on Sat Dec 16, 2006 1:34 pm

Gate crashed a party. Took over the stereo. Played Extreme all night. :D

Bought about 4/5 lil bottles of Jager

haha faraz i have about a million photos of that gingerbread house on the way back from the supermarket place....

shit, we drank a lot of jager that day
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Postby MartinC on Sun Dec 17, 2006 6:01 pm

Metal Iain wrote:Thankfully Calum and Keith and all the Amok crew are very understanding people!

That was such a funny night... from what I've been told. Hyder was running about in the garden naked and vomitted on himself. He was standing outside (still naked) taking a piss against the wall when the pizza guy turned up.


It was a horrid night for me though. All I remember is waking up and getting the overwhelming urge to vomit. I had to use every last ounce of my upper body strenth to puke into the sink before passing out again. The weird thing is that I'd had about half of what it would take to get me pissed, never mind to the stage where I pass out whilst taking a shit.

The worst part of the whole ordeal for me was that Calum's bathroom has a tiled floor so I had to spend ages scrubbing between tiles whilst using my jumper as a make-shift face mask.

God this is bringing back memories! The morning after, we all went for a McDonald's in Greg's and all the food nearly blew out of the window.

The worst part is, I didn't wash my trousers before getting on the train...


I actually hate you now, I can't believe someone could be so despicable.

Ergh. I draw the line at shit.
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Postby zykloned on Mon Dec 18, 2006 1:05 am

BEER CAN wrote:Gate crashed a party. Took over the stereo. Played Extreme all night. :D

Bought about 4/5 lil bottles of Jager

haha faraz i have about a million photos of that gingerbread house on the way back from the supermarket place....

shit, we drank a lot of jager that day

Haha yeh man! that's the craziest house I ever did see!

Man I so didnt realise those chicks were whore's either!!!
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Postby terrorizer on Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:12 am

A lad I know works for as an Air Conditioning Engineer down in Luton and often gets called out to jobs in London. A few weeks ago he has to visit a strip club to do a small job, he is pointed to the room with the problem and strolls in expecting it to be empty. It wasn’t. There was one lass being spit-roasted by two blokes, whilst another three stood by waiting their turn. He froze in shock, not knowing what to say, until the lass looks up and says “Oh it’s only the Air Con man” (presumably she’d emptied her mouth by then) and they simply carried on. My mate is no prude but he said he was shaking so much that this ten minute job took him an hour (I bet it did) but the air con was indeed broken which probably explained why they were sweating so much.

Another mate is a bit of a luvie and likes his theatre so much he has a season ticket to the local playhouse. He was watching a play last year with his girlfriend and her family that had an “adult theme”, in short one of the girls got ‘em out a few times, but it was all very highbrow, none of your smut. After the play he is having a few pints in the bar when who should walk in but the cast, the topless lass included (although fully dressed now), so with the beer talking over he wanders to their table.
“Just like to say how much I enjoyed tonight’s performance, interesting plot, certainly didn’t see the twist at the end and strong characterisation…” He laid on the theatrical bullshit for a while, before turning to the lass and winking, “Oh, nice tits by the way!”

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Postby MartinC on Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:47 am

There was an Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman...
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Postby terrorizer on Thu Feb 15, 2007 2:07 am

MartinC wrote:There was an Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman...

...who walked into a pub and the Landlord said,
"Is this some kind of joke?"

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Postby Atom on Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:01 am

Good stories Ian, the air con guy you know... He was in the perfect position to walk up to the chick getting the 'attention' and say "I'm here to fix your duct". He blatantly would have got in there! :lol:
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Re: Funny Stories

Postby James on Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:32 pm

Classic thread bump.
thrashduck wrote:And the internet was without uk thrash form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of James moved upon the face of the waters.

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Re: Funny Stories

Postby boovidge on Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:39 pm

I sold this makita cordless power drill in the local paper and then six months later I received the very same one back as a Christmas present from my brother in-law, minus the power-pack.
Metal Iain wrote:This board has nothing to do with the 'scene'. It's more just about 10 or so pricks who used to like Thrash that, for one reason or another, waste a lot of time posting on here.

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