thrash metal maniac wrote:all the songs are supposed to be faster (especially the fast bits)... but the drums tracks were slower than they shoulda been

Indeed, they definitely feel like they could do with being a bit faster. Kind of takes away from the energy really, which I think is part of the problem. Pray For Death was a bit monotonous too - it wasn't a particular bad song by any means, but I didn't think it was that spectacular. As with Forced Faith, I agree with Immortalicide, the first section is really good and builds up well, but then it starts to drag on a bit and i found myself losing a bit of interest in it. The ending is also very anti-climatic, which is a bit of a shame.
I think the main point I would make about these tracks in general is that they lack character. The fact that it's what some would call generic thrash isn't the problem - you can build on the foundations of generic thrash and make it sound different and great by throwing in a few twists here and there and a bit of your own character (which I'd say is what Gama Bomb and Doctor Death do, and what Evile don't do, for example - though at least Evile have some sort of sense of urgency and a good professional tightness to their music though which is the redeeming factor to my ears). I just think you need to put a bit more of your own personalities into the music you make, that would make it a lot more interesting. That doesn't mean talking about zombies etc, it just means being yourself a bit more, as opposed to just trying to be 'thrash'. Think about some great things you like in real life, and try and convey that in your songwriting. What I'm hearing at the moment is talented people playing standard riffs. What I'd like to hear is not necessarily something more 'original', just something with a bit more character.
Also I'm not too fond of the vocals. They don't really do anything for me, it just sounds like a moaning man. The vocals need to be a lot more exciting to get the listener into the mood of thrash.
That's all from me I think. You boys have some good potential, i think it's just going to take you a little time to realise what you have and to be able to use it to its fullest goodness.