Greg here from Aussie thrash band Imminent Psychosis, was in London for a couple of days last month and was stoked to catch Gama Bomb and Mutant at the Underworld on Sun, plus the gig at the Purple Turtle on Mon (though i missed seeing Marty Friedman on Fri...)
Anyway, il be checking in here as you boys have a fucking killer thrash scene going (and not that shitty fucking new school 'thrash')
G'day all...
Moderators: James, Craig, Resilience Records
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Re: G'day all...
No shitty new school thrash? You're mistaken, sir. There's plenty of it - though the good outweighs the bad for the most part.
Nice to have you onboard
Nice to have you onboard
Dian Wei wrote:It's that UKT vibe, we all basically are gay for one another.
- thrasherdave
- Posts: 2402
- Joined: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:45 pm
- Location: Sheffield, UK
Re: G'day all...
Yeah, every city has its shit, but i didnt stick around long enough to witness it
- imminentpsychosis
- Posts: 8
- Joined: Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:58 am
Re: G'day all...
Count yourself lucky for the time being, as I'm sure the shit will wing it's way to you eventually 

Dian Wei wrote:It's that UKT vibe, we all basically are gay for one another.
- thrasherdave
- Posts: 2402
- Joined: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:45 pm
- Location: Sheffield, UK
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