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UK Thrash T-Shirts: Ideas?

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Re: UK Thrash T-Shirts and New Logo: Ideas?

Postby jonny_boy34 on Thu Mar 05, 2009 7:57 pm

Craig wrote:Another one after having a look around on a few font sites and playing in Fireworks :)


I like this one! It looks cool indeed.

I like what Jamie was saying though about having a logo that doesn't look like METALLLZ!!!111, but at the same time, I don't think the original logo is anything special, it just looks nice. A bit more character would be good, and so far I'm enjoying this latest one, but it would be good to see a few more different ideas, maybe we could all flick through some font website and put links to them up here. I'll have a gander later on when I have a bit more time.

And yes, I also think some sort of brilliant illustration is necessary.
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Re: UK Thrash T-Shirts and New Logo: Ideas?

Postby Resilience Records on Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:33 pm

jonny_boy34 wrote:
Craig wrote:Another one after having a look around on a few font sites and playing in Fireworks :)


I like this one! It looks cool indeed.

I'm going t be frank... i think it looks rubbish, like very very poor. i'm only being honest as i don't want UK Thrash to be lumbered with something that mis-represents how awesome it actually is. keep trying guys, but you'll never better the original. it may be a tad on the safe side, but i think its got good charm.

anyway who is going to submit some awesome black and white artwork for the front cover?
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Re: UK Thrash T-Shirts and New Logo: Ideas?

Postby Dian Wei on Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:25 pm

Jamie has pretty much had the best idea, were not really a professional place and something that would capture the crudity and general bonkers nature of the people involved would be great.

I'll perhaps sketch something out after this wakefield business is over.
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Re: UK Thrash T-Shirts and New Logo: Ideas?

Postby H.O.D. Feemo on Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:28 pm

Immortalicide wrote:I got it!!!!

You know like the anthrax not man?? Well, just like that but with a cartoon of feemos face instead!!! (a face just made for charactures!!!)


I like the latest font by the way.
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Re: UK Thrash T-Shirts and New Logo: Ideas?

Postby Lev on Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:29 pm

I think those new logos are a bit plop. I prefer the original a lot more. And the t-shirt should just be white with the original UK Thrash logo minus the flame and what not. And I agree with James about the back print.
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Re: UK Thrash T-Shirts and New Logo: Ideas?

Postby James on Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:40 pm

I'm definitely up for doing some black and some white ones.
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Re: UK Thrash T-Shirts and New Logo: Ideas?

Postby Lev on Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:51 pm

Yeah, I've decided I completely hate these logos. Looks like we're part of Skuzz TV or some shit. Too try-hard. The original didn't try to be anything. It wasn't a stereotypical metal logo, like all those are.

Either have one that doesn't try to be anything, or have one that's an actual thrash style logo.
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Re: UK Thrash T-Shirts and New Logo: Ideas?

Postby Dian Wei on Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:52 pm

I think something like this should be attempted.

cover.jpg (49.77 KiB) Viewed 284 times

So the UK Thrash part is like a thrash band's logo, just have the url parts plainer and smaller on each side.
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Re: UK Thrash T-Shirts and New Logo: Ideas?

Postby Craig on Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:12 am

Seems like the general consensus is that the logo should go back to the old version, which I've done for now. We may look at getting a new logo drawn up properly, though maybe all it needed was taking the white strips away at the top either side of the main banner.

I can see where Jamie and Lev are coming from, the "old" logo doesn't really have any thrash-ness to it, which maybe makes it stand out against some of the other metal site logos that specifically try to be "metal".
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Re: UK Thrash T-Shirts and New Logo: Ideas?

Postby Resilience Records on Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:44 am

Good Job Craig!

Looking hot! oooh boy, i like what you did there... have you been to a Californian cocktail party? that's hot!

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Re: UK Thrash T-Shirts and New Logo: Ideas?

Postby James on Fri Mar 06, 2009 12:29 pm

Yeah strangely enough I quite like the revamped old one now! I think maybe it could still benefit from "www." and ".co.uk" somewhere, but making it big and black like that looks nice and beefy but still professional. I think the simpler background is nice too.

But yeah, we totally need a hand-drawn design... perhaps the Raging one would be tempted again? :P
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Re: UK Thrash T-Shirts and New Logo: Ideas?

Postby jonny_boy34 on Fri Mar 06, 2009 12:36 pm

Yeah, that looks much better, haha! I personally enjoy a bit of change every now and again, so if we come across an enjoyable font of joy it would be nice, but yes, to keep something that doesn't like obviously metal is the main thing, boys have to right idea here. Nice.
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Re: UK Thrash T-Shirts and New Logo: Ideas?

Postby metaldazza on Fri Mar 06, 2009 12:48 pm

You might not need the www and co.uk as as far as the internet is concerned uk thrash is this site:

Whoever it is that runs this site needs to work out what the site is for and let that drive what the logo is like. If its a place to promote UK Thrash acts and the UK scene or is it a place for the current members to hang out? Not looking metal is fine but you may miss a lot of people. There is a reason that most metal websites look metal.... most people expect them to look metal. The same reason most metal album covers looks metal.

Not looking metal as a concious decision is great but not looking metal because people fear change is not.
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Re: UK Thrash T-Shirts and New Logo: Ideas?

Postby James on Fri Mar 06, 2009 12:52 pm

Fair points dazza, though I think as it currently stands it still looks quite beefy and matter-of-fact (so I don't think it's compromised by looking wimpy or anything), and it says "thrash" in the name so I doubt we'll be losing much attention there.
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Re: UK Thrash T-Shirts and New Logo: Ideas?

Postby metaldazza on Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:08 pm

IMO the site looks metal enough (as does the logo) and it's a great site. I'm not trying to put it down or the people who obviously dedicate a lot of their time to the site and the scene. I've just realised that tomorrow is my one year birthday on this site so it's kept me coming back :)
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