by Bloodkrishna on Wed Jan 06, 2010 1:40 pm
hi there,
those bands you like can't help too much for me to select recommends to you,
anyway Slayer and Metallica sure is good
for Thrash Metal, I still prefer old 80' bands
Im not saying that you can't start with new bands or new bands doesn't good
but, 80' thrash metal rule supreme!
first of all you need to know back in the days,
German Thrash and Bay Area Thrash, both side have their own sound
I think you better self discover which side you prefer
[german 3, Sodom, Kreator, Destruction
bay area big 4 Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax, Megadeth]
you better start with those gods if you want to hear some old thrash
their albums won't be out of print or hard to find.
Kreator's Pleasure To Kill, Terrible Certainty, for more polish or modern stuff
try Enemy Of God album
Sodom you better start with old classics, Agent Orange or Persecution Mania,
M-16 is their modern classic.
Destructino start with infernal overkill, eternal devastation
Their newly stuff, I only recommend The Antichrist [Devolution and inverntor of evil AVOID!]
Anthrax start with Among The Living or Speading The Disease
Megadeth you better get Rust In Peace, Peace Sells.. but who's buying
I don't recommend new stuff from big 4
most of them don't play thrash metal in recent years
[anyway, all of them seems back to the old roots a bit in lastest albums, but still don't recommend]
PLUS, SEPULTURA from Brazil is one of the 80' thrash god
album like Arise, beneath the remains is true classic,
you better get those!
for NEW bands, who maybe formed after 2000
here's some great release:
Evile - Infected Nations
Violator - Chemical Assault
Bonded By Blood - Feed The Beast
Hexen - State Of Emergency
Merciless Death - Evil In The Night
and sure you need to hear Gama Bomb, Municipal Waste, Pitiful Reign, Toxic Holocaust and much more.....