Orange are the biggest set of dicks in the world.
"I'd like to change supplier"
"Okay sir, what is your telephone number sir?"
"***** *** ***"
"Thank you sir. McGlinchey residence?"
"That's right"
"Okay, what is your first name and D.O.B please sir?"
"Levi, 13/11/88"
"I'm sorry sir that is not the right DOB"
"I'm pretty sure I know what my birth day is"
"It's not the one registered under this account"
"Is it 18/10/62?"
"Yes, but you cannot access it now"
"You have given me the wrong date of birth"
"I just gave you my dad's date of birth, and you said it was right"
"Is it your fathers DOB but in your name?"
"That is illegal sir"
"Oh for fucks sake. What proof do you need it's me?"
"DOB, Name, Number, E-Mail Address"
"Well the name was right, the DOB was right, if you 1471 you'll see I'm calling from my bloody house, and my e-mail address is levi.mcglinchey1001 blah blah blah"
"Sorry sir"
"Oh you will be, you fucking dick"
I've had about four of those conversations.