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Talk to strangers....

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Re: Talk to strangers....

Postby Creeping Dan on Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:43 am

Rub my face... up and down
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Re: Talk to strangers....

Postby Dian Wei on Thu Apr 09, 2009 9:31 am

That's fantastic.
Gee.... I don't know about the rest of you guys, but lately the only things that truly motivate me are erections and bowel movements.

Thank the Police coming straight from the underground...
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Re: Talk to strangers....

Postby Creeping Dan on Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:01 pm

Stranger: hi I am 21 male from UK.....Looking for a female with msn and webcam...
You: I like putting crayons in my willy
Stranger: what?
You: I like putting crayons in my willy
Stranger: oh
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: heeey
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: heyy
You: I like to shit on carpets and rub it un with my arse cheeks
Your conversational partner has disconnected

Stranger: im male
You: I have warts in my anus
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Rub my face... up and down
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Re: Talk to strangers....

Postby radioactive rik on Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:04 pm

i totally forgot how quality/addictive this site can be.nice thread revival.heres one chat i just masterminded...

Stranger: Hi.
You: whats gwarning my friend?
Stranger: Gwarning?
You: gwarning = going on
Stranger: Ahh.
Stranger: Nothing much, yourself?
You: yeah im just talking to strangers with a semi on.how about yourself?
Stranger: Hah.
Stranger: Just sitting down, almost falling asleep :)
You: am i that boring?lol .what are you up to?are you male or female?
Stranger: Female.
Stranger: That's all I'm doing.
Stranger: I'm tired :)
You: oh right so do you spit or swallow?
Stranger: Neither.
You: so you wipe it off?
Stranger: A situation hasn't arisen where that is necessary :)
You: my cock has just "arisen" lol.whats your opinion on:one in the pink and one in the stink?
Stranger: No idea.
You: do you like it in both holes?
Stranger: Never tried.
You: so your not 16yrs or older?
Stranger: Correct.
You: thats how i prefer my women!
Stranger: Mmkay.
You: so when can we hook up and do the initiation ceremony?
Stranger: Let me think about that one.
You: is you tender little pussy unshaven?
Stranger: Just trimmed.
You: ask me something naughty
Stranger: Why can't you find any real friends?
You: i could trim your pussy with a chainsaw
You: you got no friends either,if your talking on here
Stranger: Sure.
You: have you ever eaten spaghetti sprinkled with dogshit?
Stranger: All the tie.
Stranger: time*
You: well your a sicko then coz spaghetti is disgusting
(then they disconnected ha!)
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Re: Talk to strangers....

Postby Katze on Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:35 pm

Hahahaha why have I never properly read this thread before?
Jonny's is genius, that is the first thing that came to mind when I read the thread title.
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Re: Talk to strangers....

Postby united_we_stand on Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:40 pm

You: lend me ur shoes init

hahaha awesome :lol:
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Re: Talk to strangers....

Postby Katze on Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:21 pm

Stranger: Hello, if you are female, would you be willing to get naked on webcam for me?
You have disconnected.

ha, men.
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Re: Talk to strangers....

Postby H.O.D. Feemo on Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:24 pm

Looks like Ste our guitarist is online. He'd say that in real life to be fair.
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Re: Talk to strangers....

Postby Stevedot2 on Sun Sep 13, 2009 12:09 am

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Omegle is not a dating site. Please try to have interesting conversations here!
Stranger: Hi I'm 18 male horny with a webcam, interested?
You: yep
Stranger: msn ?
You: yeah
Stranger: whats ur msn address?
You: biggaybear@msn.com
Stranger: :\
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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Re: Talk to strangers....

Postby meluaz on Sun Sep 13, 2009 3:04 pm

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Omegle is not a dating site. Please try to have interesting conversations here!
You: hello
Stranger: hiya
Stranger: what cha doin?
You: do u know any good child porn websites?
Stranger: noooooo..im not a freak
You: im not a freak either
Stranger: then y do u want child porn
You: i dont know
You: i have a good life
You: good career
You: good friends
You: but i like child porn
Stranger: thats just creepy...its not normal..u should get help
You: mabye its u who should get help!
Stranger: noooo...im happy and have no crepy habits
Stranger: and im practically a child
You: how old are you?
Stranger: 14
You: mmmmm
You: msn webcam?
Stranger: as i sed..thats creepy...im a good girl
You: are u a virgin?
Stranger: yes i am
Stranger: y do u ask?
You: do you believe in god?
Stranger: yep...catholic school girl
You: dont worry in 4 years u will be ripe
You: i will come for you
Stranger: no...i have standards
You: i am very good looking
You: i do modelling
You: as i said
You: i have a great career
Stranger: haha..me too modeling shots and all
You: i have all the girls my age chatting me up
Stranger: u have a comp card?...what agency?
You: but they dont satisfy my needs
Stranger: well..that sounds like a problem
You: yes
You: they arnt fresh
You: i like young skin
Stranger: well...young girls should be lft alone...we're innocent
You: no one is innocent muawahahahahaha!!!!oneone!!!111
Stranger: perhaps not
Stranger: but temporarily
Stranger: u is a bit of a creeper
You: innocence is but a perception
Stranger: and i think ur lying
You: no im not
You: i love child porn
You: fear me!
Stranger: perhaps but innocence is not to be taken away by a stranger
Stranger: im not a child..i dont fear u
You: i know your ip adress alreeady
You: i just need to put it in my software
You: to hunt you down
Stranger: hahaha...u can join all my other stalkers
You: i am not a stalker
You: i am not that low!!!
You: i go in and swoop out
Stranger: u would have loved the stalker boyfriend i had this summer
You: this summer i did loads of cocaine
Stranger: oooh...i dont like drugs...GTG then dont talk to druggies
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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Re: Talk to strangers....

Postby meluaz on Sun Sep 13, 2009 3:07 pm

i wonder if i didnt bring up the cocaine shed still chat to me
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Re: Talk to strangers....

Postby Stevedot2 on Sun Sep 13, 2009 5:44 pm

Hahahaha, "I don't talk to druggies, but Paedophiles... yeah sure!"
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Re: Talk to strangers....

Postby radioactive rik on Sun Sep 13, 2009 8:07 pm

Stranger: shaaane?
You: hiya
Stranger: is this shane
You: nah,its micheal jackson
Stranger: uhm .. thats not funny .
hes my uncle
You: your my nephew then
Stranger: your fucking hilarious. go choke on a piece of cow shit
You: i only eat pig shit
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: hola
You: hi its your mum,get off the damn internet already
Stranger: hehe
Stranger: okay
You: bedtime
Stranger: yeah buut im not sleepy
You: neither am i but i am horny and your dad is at work remember?
Stranger: EEEK!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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Re: Talk to strangers....

Postby Master of Muppets on Mon Sep 14, 2009 1:49 pm

You: who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Stranger: spongbob squarepants...
You: WRONG, MANOWAR!!!!!!!!!!
You have disconnected.
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Re: Talk to strangers....

Postby radioactive rik on Fri Sep 18, 2009 8:02 pm

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: hiya
Stranger: sup?
You: not much,just chatting to a stranger
Stranger: lol
Stranger: snap
Stranger: a//l
You: i'll go for l
Stranger: ahh weve got a live one here
Stranger: you must be frommy country
You: yeah im live and online
Stranger: i can sense the dry wit a mile away
You: what is a frommy country?
Stranger: typo
You: typo negative? good band
Stranger: not aatch on John Martyn
You: er yeah
Stranger: a/s/l?
You: nah,i prefer AOL
Stranger: lol
You: not lol...AOL!
Stranger: not bad
You: is good
Stranger: is good yah?
Stranger: Suits you sir
You: cunt
Stranger: lol
You: cunty head
Stranger: bit strong
You: your mums a cunt eater
Stranger: and yer dad loves it
You: what the fuck.we are not brothers
Stranger: thank fuck
Stranger: you are a single celled amoeba
You: youre a sickle cell anemia
Stranger: don't be a dick all your'e life...
You: but your dads my role model
Stranger: you obviously knew him better than i did then
You: shit stabber
Stranger: fudge packer
You: shit stabber in the eye
Stranger: arse mechanic
Stranger: knob jockey
You: corn on the cob,tuna fish dweller
Stranger: that dont even make fuckin sense
You: you cereal eating milkshake slurper
Stranger: i think u dropped some of them straws u were trying to clutch
You: tryna get a clutch of what i could not touch,i never had much,life as a shorty shouldnt be so rough
radioactive rik
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