by The_OverKiller on Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:01 pm
As an old bastard who bought all the originals when they were first released back in the day i gotta say that i love getting re-mastered versions of those classics, the production on a lot of thrash albums was pretty shoddy 20 years ago and now sound very dated, a good re-mastering is needed for a lot of albums, Master Of Puppets could really do with a spring clean, also 'And Justice For All' desperately needs re-mastering...but it also needs completely re-mixed as well, Testament - The New Order is another that could really do with an overhaul as compared to the re-recordings on 'First Strike Still Deadly' they sound pretty dated now.
The Slayer re-masters are fantastic, as are the Toxik, Vio-Lence & Kreator ones, the only ones that disapointed me were the Megadeth re-masters 'So Far So Good So What' being the biggest let down, Mustaine really fucked that one up big style.
So are fantastic if they are done properly.